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ABOUT Commercial & Residential Tinting
You're 100% Full Service Glass Tinting Company
We Tint ALL Glass.
Home, Business, Auto, Boat
Who are we?
We are the pioneers of "Full Service" Window Tinting in the Louisville, KY and Southern Indiana area since 1986. Meaning we have played a signifcant role in capturing a major market share of all combined Window Tinting Catagories...Home, Business, Auto, Safety/Security Films and Designer Films.
We dont offer any other distracting services (i.e; wheels and auto accessories) like some companies. But we stay focused on Window Film, Glass Tinting, and Energy Savings Services.
No other company in our market area has been responsible for more completed window film jobs than us!
We have experience in almost every possible installation and situtaion you could imagine with Thousands abd THOUSANDS of Satisfied customers!
More Important Facts About Us
Over 30 thousand satisfied jobs completed since 1986
Owners are involved in each and every job. You are assured the best installation in the industry!
The Sun Tint team are all "Down to Earth" and truly care about their customers!
Our Motto/Mission Statement: "We do Business the Old Fashion Way...We Earn It"
We follow the Golden Rule..."Do unto others what you would have them do unto you"
We use our exclusive Factory Fit Window Tint Installation Method on every job. We are #1 and prove it ONE WINDOW AT A TIME!
We are a MULTI-LINE Dealer and have the most complete selection of Solar & Designer Window Films in the Kentucky and Indiana area!

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